A word from the CEO
All companies may need some extra cash from time to time. We want it to be easy, fast and safe to get a business loan. That's why we started Qred.
From the start, Qred received a fantastic reception from tens of thousands of small businesses. It feels almost unreal that it is actually possible to challenge the old established banks without being particularly large or strong. My conclusion is that heart and ambition mean more than muscle and tradition.
We are today one of the fastest growing fin-tech companies in the Nordic region, and we have already lent over SEK 2 billion to the smallest companies. It is money that comes in handy - many of our customers stand without traditional bank financing, even though they are run by competent and skilled contractors.
The banks are stuck in a costly costume and small business owners are seen as inconveniences, and not as partners. According to a recent survey, only every 10th company with up to 20 employees has loans from the bank. At the same time, over 80% of all new jobs in Sweden are created today by small companies.
Qred offers loans to small companies in the Nordic region and in the Netherlands. The loans are relatively small (up to around SEK 1 million), and have relatively short maturities (the loans are normally repaid with up to 12 monthly instalments). By limiting the loan amounts and the credit period, we keep the risk down.
Thanks to our unique scoring model and our large and diversified customer base, we have relatively small and very predictable loan losses, which in turn leads to good profitability.
Welcome to Qred!