No, you don't. You do not pay a fee to receive an invoice as a PDF file on your email. If you want to receive an invoice by post, it costs 45 DKK
You will first receive a reminder that we need your payment. On an ongoing basis, you will receive further reminders. We encourage you to contact us as soon as you realize you have a problem with a payment so that we can work together to find a solution that suits both parties.
If no agreement is reached, we will have to refer the case to debt collection via our legal liaison.
Qred offers an alternative and flexible solution for businesses. Using modern technology and algorithms, we can analyze data from hundreds of sources to make a solid assessment of the applicant's business. Quickly and efficiently. For Danish businesses, this means that it now takes just one minute to apply for a business loan and the money is disbursed quickly after signing. No other company approves and disburses business loans faster than Qred. In addition, Qred offers a new repayment solution, which means that you only pay for the loan for the time you actually have it. This means that you are never tied to a loan with us and can repay the loan at any time at no extra cost.
All Danish limited liability companies, private limited companies, sole proprietorships, personally owned small businesses and partnerships can apply for a loan. It doesn't matter whether your business is new or old, large or small - we have helped businesses in all industries. We carry out an individual credit assessment of each business. The most important thing for us is that there is a good and sound business concept and skilled entrepreneurs behind the business.