Loans for shop and webshop

Investing in the business with new staff, marketing or expanding stock? Contact us and see what we can do for you.

Business financing for Danish trade

As a trader, you know that it takes a man or woman to run a business and hard work to succeed. Sometimes, additional capital is also needed. Whether you have a traditional shop or run an e-shop, we're here to help you achieve your goals and ambitions.

How can I finance my shop?

Unfortunately, it has become harder for small businesses to get a business loan from the bank since the financial crisis, but that doesn't change the fact that situations can still arise where you really need more capital. This could be anything from buying stock for the coming season to dealing with unexpected expenses. Often the need arises suddenly and unexpectedly. That's where Qred comes in. In fact, our business loans are perfect for meeting mid-term needs.

Applying for our business loans is easy. Just fill in your company details and it only takes a moment. Then it's completely free and, of course, non-binding. Usually you will receive a response to your loan application within an hour. You will receive a quote by email. Once you've decided, you accept the loan with your NemId and then we pay the money into your account immediately.

Loans for shop and webshop

What can I use the loan for?

It's up to you what you spend the money on. We have a lot of customers in the retail sector, and here are a few examples of what the loan can be used for:

  • Invest in stock ahead of the coming season
  • Finance a new website for your e-shop
  • Hiring staff and improving the customer experience
  • Investing in marketing to get more customers
  • Digital marketing on Google, Facebook and Twitter

But it's you who knows how best to spend the money. We're here to help your store grow - on and offline!


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